Sunday, May 20, 2012


Hi, hi, my name Courtenay (yes that is really how it is spelled). My birthday is December 30, 1991 (that means I turn 21 nine days after the world ends… really?). 

Neds convinced me to do this argh…actually she asked me once, and I said why not.  Her and I are really close; we met in college, and I traveled to Bulgaria to visit her last summer (which was actually amazinggggg).

Well anyway, she asked me because the kids at school treat me like I’m some beauty guru… I think they just say that because I’m so darn pretty (hah!). I do know a lot, a lot about make up and beauty products, thanks mom!

--When I was in junior high and I asked my mother if I could start wearing make up, and her response was to bring a professional make up artist to the house to teach me how to apply it… because (to quote) “She didn't want me looking like a hooker.”  I’ll always remember the makeup artist saying, “The best kind of makeup is when no one can tell you are wearing any.” And then she left in the night…. after slipping me a bright blue and pink eye shadow compact, as well as, violet mascara (kind of a contradiction to the natural beauty thing if you ask me) –

Anyhow, I know how to do basically any type of makeup look…mostly because of a tremendous amount of practice and experimentation. I’m crazy obsessed with beauty products (I’ve tried them all and have very strong opinions on each), and I just love hair (it’s so soft and beautiful and just great).

I’ll do my best to help everyone out—yayy!

Neda and I